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With the coronavirus pandemic still going strong and experts saying that it could get worse as the weather changes to autumn and winter’s cold, dry air, millions of people around the world are once again preparing their handwashing routines and social distancing skills. Plans for an effective COVID-19 vaccine are moving along rather slowly and, while it is being developed, experts say that the best thing to do to slow the spread of COVID-19 is to follow government health and safety regulations and practice some simple preventative measures. We all know what that means- frequent hand washing.

Washing Your Hands Can Leave Them Dry, Cracked, And Irritated

While washing your hands often can help prevent the spread of the virus, it can also leave your hands sore, dry, cracked, and irritated. This is because the disinfectant soaps and hand sanitisers that are recommended for use against COVID-19 germs typically contain high amounts of alcohol which can lead to contact dermatitis hands. That is when you need a lotion for dermatitis which is designed to relieve dry, itchy skin before it becomes worse.

Staying COVID-19 Safe

We know that washing our hands often, not touching our face and staying home is the best way to avoid COVID-19. And, according to the World Health Organization and the CDC, we can effectively reduce our risk of infection by:

  • Cleaning our hands frequently with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
  • Covering our nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with tissue or flexed elbow.
  • Avoiding close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms.

The Importance Of Gloves In A Bottle UK

Remember, the best way to avoid contracting the coronavirus is to wash your hands frequently, and the best way to avoid contact dermatitis hands is to use an effective treatment for contact dermatitis hands such as Gloves In A Bottle UK. Gloves In A Bottle is the only proven treatment for contact dermatitis hands that works and keeps your hands healthy, soft and moisturised.

Contact Gloves In A Bottle

To learn more ways to keep your hands from drying out and being properly moisturised during the coronavirus pandemic this autumn, as well as an effective treatment for contact dermatitis hands, contact Gloves In A Bottle today!

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